
PAL improves health and wellness throughout Spartanburg County by creating an environment and culture that fosters physical activity and healthy eating through an equity lens. PAL is a small nonprofit working to enact large-scale change.

Recent awards: 2021 - PAL received the Elaine Harris Harris Tourism Champion Award from OneSpartanburg, Inc.
2017 - the Duke Energy Citizenship and Service Award from the Spartanburg Area Chamber (now OneSpartanburg, Inc.)



PAL creates equitable opportunities for active living and healthy eating in Spartanburg County.


In Spartanburg, healthy living comes naturally. It is fun, easy, and safe because we are connected to our community, to each other, and to the nature that surrounds us. We utilize our vast natural resources, gardens, local markets, trails, and parks routinely. We walk and bike through our neighborhoods, play outdoors and share healthy meals. We embrace our wonderful quality of life.


The momentum in Spartanburg is contagious, and we are excited that trails are an important part of it. Over the next four years our goal is to significantly accelerate the trail development in our community. To date there are 24 miles of the Daniel Morgan Trail System on the ground, and we expect to have 20 more in four to five years, as well as a first phase of the Saluda Grade Trails, thus doubling our current trail mileage.

We also plan to be more visible in the advocacy arena, multiplying our impact. For PAL this means two strategies – the first is to use strategic marketing campaigns, Do the Dan and Eat Local, to encourage our community to be part of the wellness movement. And the second is to continue to play a role in local, state and national policy issues that impact PAL’s mission.

In addition, we expect to invest significantly in our flagship food work, the PAL Food Hub. I like to describe it as Instacart meets the farmers market. In partnership with 36 farmers (and more joining all the time), we are creating a one-stop-shop for local produce purchases.

Finally, PAL knows that to do all of this well, we need to invest in the capacity and training of our team and ensure that we have a solid continuity plan. We also know that technology is changing rapidly, and we need to leverage it to make healthier lifestyles easier for everyone.

Strategic Framework

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