Podcast & Blog Posts

Help Build an Active Community

December 13, 2016

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”. ~Author Unknown

In this season focused on gratitude, joy, and giving, I offer a thank you to the many volunteers who give much to help PAL fulfill its mission. If I have learned anything in 10+ years of nonprofit work, it is that one of the most important attributes in an organization is to recognize the skills and talents of others, and then find engaging ways to involve those who are interested and passionate. In fact, Partners for Active Living thinks that this is so important, we have reorganized our staffing so that one quarter of our resource development position is focused on volunteer recruitment, recognition, retention, and engagement. We have lots to learn but are excited about better equipping our volunteers (and being better equipped to support).

There are many ways to volunteer around PAL’s mission and our organization. On Friday we had more than 60 Milliken associates and Trees Coalition members improving the River Birch Trail, which is just beyond the Cottonwood Trail on Spartanburg District 7 property along the Lawson’s Fork Creek. This is only one of many opportunities. Check out this list: http://www.active-living.org/files/files/Volunteer%20Opportunities-2016.2017.pdf

But if the list doesn’t have what you are looking for, reach out to Lindsey on the PAL team – lgraham@active-living.org

In 2016, we are grateful for the almost 1,500 hours of volunteer service!! Five who have contributed the most time (if you know them, please say thank you!!):

  1. Rich & Cissy Byrd: BCycle mechanics and program advocates  
  2. Laura Stille: past board chair, trails and park champion, PAL mover & shaker
  3. Thompson Rudolph: Eagle Scout who built two very handy Hub Cycle benches
  4. Reta Cooper: Healthy School Forum coordinator and advocate for childhood health
  5. Steve Stravolo: current board chair and always thinking about engagement

And there are so many others – some who chair committees, some who help us plan for the Rail Trail park and trails, some who help raise funds, some who lead rides/walks/runs, some who edit our publications; the list is long and PAL is grateful for those who invest their time and money. Spartanburg is better because of it!

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